Virtual Immersive Experience
for continuous medical education

Vivactis Health Square presents a new, unique & innovative way to learn, totally dedicated to Healthcare professionals.

As an individual or a Team group, participants are invited to treat clinical cases in a virtual environment .

Different modules are available according to the cases. Organisers can create the experience of their choice, including multiple units of the same of different categories, medical equipment, medical staff and patients profile.

Escape Game

The clinical cases are built according to several steps to be finalised in a specific order should this be questions to be answered to, decisions to be taken, information to search for, ...

Timing to resolve cases can be defined as well as options to gain additional minutes or clues to finalise the required steps.

The console helps participants to follow their progress, challenges them on specific cases while letting them discover medical references as well as patient or disease related information.

Easy and intuitive in using, it helps learning “by doing”. Participants can take notes, join a meeting room for discussion, or debrief in a more didactic way during or at the end of the session.

Healthcare is a serious game

Escape Game

Healthcare gaming and its principles can be applied to how care is coordinated and delivered to patients.

Furthermore, incorporating gamification in medical education makes learning, through patient cases to resolve, fun and engaging.

Can’t wait to know more ?

Contact Norman Schor for more information.